Book Tour: Killers, Traitors & Runaways, by Lucas Aubrey Paynter Outcasts of the Word Series - Excerpt

Killers, Traitors & Runaways (Outcasts of the World II)
Author: Lucas Aubrey Paynter
Genre: Cosmic Fantasy

As reality nears its final days, worlds fall to ruin. A benevolent god is shackled, and when freed, will create a new one … allowing only the pure of heart. A company of seven have united on a bloody quest to stop him, but have little hope of emerging victorious.

The outcasts are adrift—they have a mission but no means to fulfill it. Airia Rousow, the fallen goddess who set them on their path, is gone. Guardian Poe, her intended successor, believes deification will absolve him of his sins and his remorse alike. And Zella Renivar, daughter of the Living God, is still hunted by her father’s agents, drawing danger on them all.

Trapped in this storm, Flynn is able to find and open the ways between worlds, but cannot discern which path is the right one. Since losing the trust of his closest friend, the temptation to fall back on his former, deceitful ways grows with every crisis he faces.

These are heroes not of virtue, but of circumstance—and it will fall on Flynn to keep them all together.

Excerpt From Chapter 6
A Broken Home

Chari found Poe shirtless, leaning against the wall by the cracked and broken windows of the entrance. He watched outside with cold contempt, and though she possessed little urge to speak with him, Chari couldn’t help but wonder just the same. The curtain flicked with the wind, and she felt the need to comment.

“You are aware that nothing is out there?”

“There was a soldier,” Poe replied. “I hurried down, heard voices outside. Flynn is leading her astray.”

Poe’s sword hung at his bare lower back, and she realized he must have gotten dressed in a hurry. There was a time when one look at Poe’s sculpted body would have been reason enough to lead him to her bedroom by the belt. She was sorry to know him so well that it quashed any yearning she felt, but so long as he didn’t notice, she saw no harm in savoring the view. Her studies did eventually bring her to his steely eyes, tired and red.

“Have you been sleeping?”

He shook his head. “I don’t sleep much. A few hours at a time, then patrol. We’ve had no pursuers up till now.”

Poe’s response concerned her. “Guardian … there is no one here. We are safe.”

“Our attackers survived their encounter. They may have some means to follow us that we do not—” Poe managed to suppress a yawn, then continued. “The soldier. She may have been a coincidence … but I fear Flynn has learned nothing.”

“In what manner would you have dealt with her?” She dreaded the answer.

“A swift death, her remnants left to the forest. Another casualty of war to any who might find her. Or a warning to whomever may have sent her.”

“Such a deed you feel is necessary?” she asked with disgust. After their exit from Breth, she was in no hurry to kill again.

“Understand,” he said with some reluctance, “murder is not my first solution, just the one I feel to be safest. We have already been devastated once for letting a stranger too close.”

Chari had no reply.

About the Author

Lucas Aubrey Paynter hails from the mythical land of Burbank, California, where there are most likely no other writers at all.

Back in 2014, he published Outcasts of the Worlds, and he’s now releasing its follow-up, Killers, Traitors, & Runaways.

A fan of gray-area storytelling and often a devil’s advocate, Lucas enjoys consuming stories from a variety of mediums, believing there’s no limit to what form a good narrative can take.


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