Court of Snakes: This Desert Cage by Tycho Dwelis - YA Fiction (Ages 13-17) Dystopian Fantasy

Join us for this tour from 
August 8 to August 26, 2022!

Book Details:

Book TitleCourt of Snakes: This Desert Cage by Tycho Dwelis
Category:  YA Fiction (Ages 13-17),  317 pages
GenreDystopian Fantasy
Publisher:  Precursor Publishing
Release date:  July 2, 2022
Content Rating:  PG + M: Some allusion to domestic abuse, fantasy violence, adults drinking alcohol

Guest Post by  Tycho Dwelis

Researching Dystopia – Creating the World of Court of Snakes

When writing, every writer’s struggle is trying to be unique enough to stand out from the masses in their genre. YA Dystopia is such a popular genre at the moment, with titles like The Hunger Games and Divergent coming to mind, so when I began working on Court of Snakes: This Desert Cage, I knew that I had to do something different while tackling the classic issues of a Dystopia novel. I did what any author would do, the Salt Bae sprinkle of complexity on top and somehow the most cliché thing I could thing of: I added magic.

Now, the trick was implementing magic in the least cliché way possible. That’s some hard stuff! Storytellers have been writing about magic since literally the dawn of mankind, so coming up with new ways to mix and match things that readers are familiar with is a real challenge. When writing Court of Snakes, not only did I have to look at what technology would be feasible to include in a dystopian society that’s not too far away from where we currently are in time, but also create a magic system that doesn’t rely on tired and true systems. I had to ask myself questions like, “Is the magic divine?” or “How much of this magic is actually technology in disguise?”

A lot of this information isn’t revealed to the reader (or not yet, anyway), but helps me build a solid foundation, like rules in a game, to settle the reader into a sense of comfort and immersion when I write. That way, they won’t get hung up on plot holes.

All in all, I’m very pleased with the world of Court of Snakes and the city of Segeno as a whole, with it’s magic and infantile technology and tragedy. I hope to build on the world as I continue the series and can’t wait to dive deeper into the nitty gritty of how it all works!



Book Description:

In the city of Segeno, it’s eat or be eaten. Someone has to rule the masses. A boy has lost his birthright. His parents killed. Dead and gone. A girl has lost her father. She means nothing to him now.

The city of Segeno stands tall after a great war, the only city left of its kind. Terran has lost both of his parents and is now on the run from a tyrant eager to kill him and cut off the royal bloodline. Parisa struggles with her own identity as even her father rejects her for the color of her skin as he claws for the throne. Along their journeys, they meet unexpected allies and encounter unprecedented magick, but, most importantly, they learn what it is to stand up for themselves and take back their city from corruption.

The Court of Snakes: This Desert Cage is the first of a two book series intended for ages 13 – 18. If you like the Hunger Games, Divergent, and Inkheart, you’ll love these books.

This series talks about systemic oppression, racism, oligarchy, and, of course, magick.

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Meet the Author:

I’m Tycho (I also use the pen name Cassidy), and I love storytelling! I’m incredibly passionate about writing, art, and anything that allows me to create my own worlds. My goal is to write dreamy fiction for all ages that is unique, inspiring, and imaginative. I like to write about themes that include coming of age, magic realism, identity, relationships, and bullying. My books are intended for readers ages eight to twenty-five, and are meant to connect the world of the fantastical to everyday life.

I currently live in Colorado and have an MA in Publishing.

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Tour Schedule:

Aug 8 – Cover Lover Book Review – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 9 – Literary Flits – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
Aug 9 - Splashes of Joy  - book review / giveaway
Aug 10 – 411 ON BOOKS, AUTHORS, AND PUBLISHING NEWS – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 11 – JB's Bookworms with Brandy Mulder – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Aug 11 - Rockin' Book Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway
Aug 12 – The Momma Spot – book review / giveaway
Aug 15 – Leels Loves Books – book review / giveaway
Aug 16 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway
Aug 17 – Book Corner News and Reviews – book review / giveaway
Aug 18 – The Page Ladies – book review
Aug 19 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book review / giveaway
Aug 22 – Sadie's Spotlight – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 23 – Kam's Place – book review
Aug 24 – Bookworm for Kids – book review / giveaway
Aug 25 – Sefina Hawke's Books – book spotlight
Aug 26 – Books and Zebras – book review
Aug 26 - Books for Books – book review

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COURT OF SNAKES by Tycho Dwellis Book Tour Giveaway




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