A Guest Post by Virtual FantasyCon 2017 Panels Admin Sarah Buhrman

I am so excited to be a part of the Virtual FantasyCon once more! Having participated the last two years, I was willing and ready to step into the role of managing the author panels for the event, but I was more than pleasantly surprised by the positive responses to them.

This year, we have a pretty great line-up, including authors from previous years and many who are brand new. The topics of the panels cover everything from Gender Issues to fantasy genres, such as Prehistoric Fantasy and Science-Fantasy, and dozens more in between!

In editing the videos, I’ve had the pleasure of watching all of them, and each one is full of wit, knowledge and humor. There have been moments of deep contemplation, and moments full of laughter.

I can say with great confidence that, if you love fantasy, as a reader or an author/artist, you are going to enjoy these panels.

We have done our best to make sure that you can find each of the authors involved in each panel, with links to their VFC booths in the description, as well as other ways to find them online. All of the authors have expressed interest in continuing these discussions with our audience, so message them, post on their pages, seek out their websites, etc.

Most of all, enjoy! Have fun watching the panels, either a bit at a time or go full-bore and binge watch! Visit the authors, and let us know what you think! Subscribe to the panel channel – we will be uploading more throughout the week of VFC17, and you won’t want to miss out!

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