Blog Tour - The Girl Who Saved Ghosts by K.C. Tansley Excerpt

The Girl Who Saved Ghosts
by K.C. Tansley
Publication date: October 17th 2017
Genres: Mystery, Time-Travel, Young Adult

She tried to ignore them. Now she might risk everything to save them.

After a summer spent in a haunted castle—a summer in which she traveled through time to solve a murder mystery—Kat is looking forward to a totally normal senior year at McTernan Academy. Then the ghost of a little girl appears and begs Kat for help, and more unquiet apparitions follow. All of them are terrified by the Dark One, and it soon becomes clear that that this evil force wants Kat dead.

Searching for help, Kat leaves school for the ancestral home she’s only just discovered. Her friend Evan, whose family is joined to her own by an arcane history, accompanies her. With the assistance of her eccentric great aunts and a loyal family ghost, Kat soon learns that she and Evan can only fix the present by traveling into the past.

As Kat and Evan make their way through nineteenth-century Vienna, the Dark One stalks them, and Kat must decide what she’s willing to sacrifice to save a ghost.



After my last class of the day, AP Psychology, I stepped outside the stone building and the sun blinded me. The din of overlapping conversations surrounded me. So many voices at once. Then Evan shouted my name. He was sitting on a stone bench, surrounded by a group of adoring girls. With his British accent and his striking looks, almost every girl at McTernan Academy had a crush on him. They found excuses to talk to him. His TA office hours usually had a long line of girls snaking around the hallway.

His labradorite-colored eyes looked more green than brown in the sunlight. His golden-bronze skin glowed. His straight, dark brown hair swept across his forehead. His features were a mix of his English father and Chinese mother.

I couldn’t help smiling at him as he excused his way through his fan club to get to me. I didn’t mind the dirty looks coming my way because he was here and I had a warm, this-might-all-work-out feeling in my stomach.

“Kat.” He held out his arms for a hug and I fell right into them. “How’s today?”
“Almost okay,” I mumbled into his shoulder.

When I stepped back, he said, “Tell me everything.” Then he offered me his arm.
I slid my hand into the crook of his elbow, and he led us both toward the brick sidewalk that wound away from the heart of campus. We followed it until it snaked around the back of an administrative building and into a stand of trees.

Once we were truly alone, I asked, “Have you heard from Seth?”

He rolled his eyes. “It was a yacht and an heiress and a desire to escape this summer. Just like you said.”

“One less thing to worry about.”

“So, tell me about what’s on your worry list.”

I caught him up on Ellie Harding’s visit and her message about Percy Kingsley, my mom’s arrival, and the upcoming Langley video chat.

“Look what happens when we go two days without talking,” he said.

Somehow telling him made it seem less overwhelming. “Too much.”

Evan stroked his chin. “I’m intrigued about Percy Kingsley. I’ll try to dig up some more information on him and Ellie.”

“Thanks.” If anyone could find out more, it was Evan.

“I’m glad you finally got to tell your mom about the summer.”

“Even if you didn’t tell your parents,” I teased.

“We’re in different situations. I’m just a Kingsley with no prophecies written about me. You’re the chosen one.”

I sighed. Apparently, I was supposed to restore the peace between the four families—the Radcliffes, the Kingsleys, the Mallorys, and the Langleys. This was in addition to my ghost-related duties. “You want to swap? I’d love to just be an average Kingsley.”

“Would that we could.” He smiled and the corners of his eyes crinkled up.

I’d missed that smile.

“You don’t seem excited about finally getting to talk to the Langleys.”

“I am. It’s just…Mom wants to be there. And my dad being a Langley is the reason why he left us.”

Evan grimaced. “That could make for an uncomfortable family reunion.”

“I know.” I tried to sound calmer than I felt. “Hopefully, Professor Astor will be a buffer.”

“I’m a better buffer.”

“You don’t have to...” I didn’t bother finishing the sentence because I couldn’t make my voice sound convincing. I wanted him to be there.

He chuckled. “Stop. I’ll be there.”


“So, you’ve brought me up to speed on everything?”

“Almost.” I told him how the Dark One was coming after me and the ghosts were rushing for their reckonings because they didn’t think I’d survive.

When I finished, he said, “Way to bury the lede.”

I laughed, and was surprised that I was still capable of it. Then we walked without talking for a few moments.

Just when it was getting weird, he broke the silence. “Toria told you that Pastor Fitzgerald merged with the shadows and became a new unbelievable when we were at Castle Creighton. He disappears just as an ancient evil rises to take you on.” Evan squinted like he was doing long division in his head. “Seems too coincidental to me. I think the Dark One may be part of Pastor Fitzgerald’s revenge.”

“So, my two enemies may be working together.” Which would make everything seven times as bad as I thought it was. Hopelessness made my shoulders slump forward.

Evan patted my arm. “We’ll get through this.”

I wanted to believe him. But something told me that this time we might not be strong enough to face what was coming.

About the Author

K.C. Tansley lives with her warrior lapdog, Emerson, and two quirky golden retrievers on a hill somewhere in Connecticut. She tends to believe in the unbelievables—spells, ghosts, time travel—and writes about them.

Never one to say no to a road trip, she’s climbed the Great Wall twice, hopped on the Sound of Music tour in Salzburg, and danced the night away in the dunes of Cape Hatteras. She loves the ocean and hates the sun, which makes for interesting beach days. The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts is her award-winning and bestselling first novel in The Unbelievables series.

As Kourtney Heintz, she also writes award winning cross-genre fiction for adults.

You can find out more about her at:

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  1. Thanks for sharing my excerpt and being a part of my blog tour! :)

  2. You're welcome. The cover pulls me in on this one.


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