An Interview with Nell E.S. Douglas. Author of Romance/Suspense aka Epic Love Stories - In the Land of Milk and Honey **Teasers-Giveaway**

In the Land of Milk and Honey
Nell E.S. Douglas
Publication date: January 17th 2018
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense

When Gabrielle “Bree” Valentine awoke in a hospital bed with a newborn baby, she centered herself and rebuilt. Bree didn’t think about her mental breakdown, lost memories, or the features of a stranger emerging daily in the face of the son she is raising alone. Five years later, on a weekend in the Hamptons, a chance encounter with a man unlike any other jars her—bone deep. Daniel Hawthorne Baird II, wealthy, dangerous, British aristocrat, gravitates to Bree like caviar on crostini. In his relentless obsession with Bree, their lives entwine despite Bree’s resistance. With the unconditional support of friends she calls ‘family’, Bree confronts the most difficult questions of her life. Unearthing the painful mysteries behind who fathered her child, who the real Daniel Baird is, and the irrepressible desire driving her towards a man destined to be the end of them both.

An Interview with Nell E. S. Douglas

Welcome to Jena’s Bookworms
Tell us about your writing career. How long have you been writing?

Thank you for having me, Jena! I’ve been writing since I was a teen. In the Land of Milk and Honey is my first published novel.

How did you choose your genre?

The idea for In the Land of Milk and Honey came to me and so happened to be a romance. The cart came before the horse, so to speak. I was reading a lot of romance at the time so that immersion had an impact.

Tell us a little about the books you’ve published.
In the Land of Milk and Honey is an epic romance that follows the life of Bree Valentine. She’s a young single mother who has no idea about the identity of who fathered her child. Suffering from amnesia and loaded with shame, Bree’s created a bubble for herself, an idyllic life set for bursting. Enter Daniel Baird. A mysterious, magnetic billionaire who quickly takes too big an interest in Bree. After he experiences some profound disappointments courting her he hits the chaos button and Bree’s bubble is toast.

That sounds interesting. What inspires your work? 

Complexities in life. Friendships, relationships, society as a whole. How easily lies become narratives and those narratives written from the outside become internalized. Characters that defy typecasts. Love, hate, all of the above.

Who are your favorite authors, and what is it that draws you to them?

My favorite authors explore the difficult subtleties of human motivations through fiction. Right now I’m loving Colleen Hoover. She is a master at laymansplaining very deep and difficult subject matter. I admire her delivery.

Are you working on a story now? 

Yes, I’m working on a follow up to In the Land of Milk and Honey. It’s centered around the same character but I can’t say more than that for fear of spoiling.

I can appreciate that. What do you anticipate your release date to be? 


Any stories sitting on the back-burner? I do. I have a story I’ve hoarded for over a decade I’m obsessed with. It’s more new adult/coming of age.

Do you have a website? 

What will we find there? 

Updates and such. I update my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook constantly. Check me out there @nellesdouglas 

Where else can you be found? 

You can find me on my personal website

Author Bio

Nell E. S. Douglas has possessed a deep, abiding love for written words since childhood. The transition from reader, to writer, was a natural one. Her first stories, penned on the lined pages of class notebooks, were inspired by her mother’s poetry and epic tales of travel, and a professorial inquisitiveness inherited from her father. Following college in Florida, Nell exited the world of pure imagination, and entered the one of business, successfully establishing a career in sales, and developing a cup-a-day habit (of coffee). Today, Nell writes everything from story ideas to essays during the spaces in-between domestic goddessing, and contributing as a managing partner to a thriving small business. Nell resides in Florida, with her husband and their children, passing on the traditions of her mother, and sinking her feet in the sand whenever possible.

Her favorite books are Pride and Prejudice, and To Kill a Mockingbird. Her favorite movies are Gladiator, anything by Scorcese, The Time Traveller’s Wife, and Bridesmaids.

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