Interview with Sara Furlong Burr - When Time Stands Still ***Giveaway***

When Time Stands Still 
Sara Furlong Burr
Publication date: June 15th 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

It’s been nearly a decade since Elle Sloan last saw Luke Hutchins. Close to ten years since she broke up with him over a single phone call, providing him with little explanation. Since the end of their relationship, Elle has done everything she could do to move on, marrying, proceeding forward with her life, almost allowing herself to completely forget about Luke.


Out of nowhere, Elle receives a phone call from Luke’s mother. Luke has been in a horrific car accident and, a month later, has just awoken from a coma. However, instead of celebrating, his family is stunned to learn that Luke is suffering from amnesia and only remembers his life as it was before his breakup with Elle. Not wanting to tell Luke that he and Elle aren’t together anymore for fear it may compromise his recovery, Elle is asked by Luke’s family to come to the hospital to see him. Their hope is that she will slowly be able to jog his memory and cushion the blow.

Guilt-ridden over how their relationship ended, Elle readily agrees, finding herself transported back in time with Luke to the life they once shared and the future they could have had together.

An Interview with Sara Furlong Burr
Romance/Romantic Comedy/New Adult Author

About Sara Furlong Burr

Sara “Furlong” Burr was born and raised in Michigan and currently still lives there with her husband, two daughters, a high-strung Lab, and three judgmental cats. When she’s not writing, Sara enjoys reading, camping, spending time with her family, and attempting to paint while consuming more amaretto sours than she cares to admit. She's also an advocate for melanoma awareness, having been diagnosed with stage 1b melanoma in 2017.

You can learn more about Sara at, follow her on Twitter via @Sarafurlong, and read more of her ramblings via Facebook at

Welcome to Jena’s Bookworms Tell us about your writing career. How long have you been writing? 
I have been writing on and off since I was in elementary school, but only started doing it seriously around seven years ago, a year before I published my first novel.

How did you choose your genre? 
I typically write dystopian novels, but I found myself adding in romantic elements to all my stories. A romance novel just kind of naturally blossomed from there. 

Tell us a little about the books you’ve published. Series, or stand-alone? 
I have a sci-fi/dystopian/romance trilogy, which includes my first ever book, Enigma Black and the subsequent books in the trilogy, Vendetta Nation and Redemption. I also have a YA/dystopian/romance entitled The Living and The Dead, a standalone. When Time Stands Still, a standalone romance, is my fifth novel. 

What inspires your work? 
For When Time Stands Still, it was certain life events. It was a way for me to find closure on loss and an attempt to put to rest my own feelings of inadequacy and toxic relationships I’ve had in the past. 

Who are your favorite authors, and what is it that draws you to them? 
My absolute favorite book is The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. I love how the protagonist goes against the grain to follow his vision. I also enjoy the works of Diana Gabaldon, Sarah Fine, Wilson Rawls, and Kiera Cass, just to name a few. 

Are you working on a story now? 
Right now, I’m taking a bit of a break to contemplate my next project. I have a couple ideas rolling around in my head.

Summary: More likely than not, my next project will focus on two of the secondary characters in When Time Stands Still, Mena and Monroe, and their romance. 

Please tell us more about it. 
It would be another standalone and clearly a romance, but probably with a touch of sass to match those characters’ particular personalities. 

That sounds fun. What do you anticipate your release date to be? 
If all goes well, within a year. 

Any stories sitting on the back-burner? 
I have another dystopian sitting in my brain, waiting for its turn. There’s always something going on in there, despite what some people may tell you. 

Do you have a website? 
I do; it’s more of a blog:

What will we find there? 
Mainly advice for fellow writers and other ramblings, updates on my books and the books of other indie authors. 

Do you have an Amazon Author Page? 

Where else can we find you?

Twitter? @Sarafurlong



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