Guest Post by Beth Merlin, Author of LOVE YOU S'MORE: The Campfire Series Book Three ***Giveaway***

Love You S’more 
Beth Merlin
(The Campfire Series, #3)

Published by: Firefly Hill Press
Publication date: September 25th 2018
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary

Having successfully designed the wedding gown of the century, Gigi Goldstein is on top of the world – that is until it all suddenly comes crashing down around her. When the paparazzi captures her and Perry Gillman in a compromising moment the night of the royal wedding, she finds herself entangled in a scandal of global proportion. Convinced her carelessness has ruined every relationship in her life, she’s surprised and moved by her boyfriend, Gideon’s, sudden proposal of marriage and accepts it without a second thought.

Four months later, Gigi’s living at Badgley Hall contemplating an entirely new kind of life, while guilt, regret, and obligation keep calling her back to her old one. Will Gigi stay in South Gloucestershire, marry Gideon, and become the Countess of Harronsby?

Or, will unfinished opportunities and an old flame bring her back across the pond to confront her past and reclaim her future?

Guest Post by Beth Merlin
Any S’more?

When I finished writing One S’more Summer, I didn’t have any expectation that one book would become a series. But, like all writers, the characters in my story seemed to have a life beyond the page. And because I left Gigi and Perry’s relationship a bit opened ended, I kept imagining the different directions in which their story could go. I started writing S’more to Lose and only a few chapters in realized I had enough ideas for not just a sequel but a three-book series. One image (what ultimately became the very last chapter) stayed with me the entire time I was writing, and I couldn’t wait to get the characters to that finale.

With each consecutive book, more people have become invested in the series (yay!) and so the stakes have become even higher. Readers seem to have a very strong idea about who Gigi should end up with, and as a result, I began to second-guess the choices of my characters and the arc of the story. While I wrote S’more to Lose in a matter of months, I struggled with Love You S’more. I wanted to please every reader and do right by the characters I’d come to love so much.

Finally, after much soul searching, I returned to the outline and ideas that’d inspired me back when I started creating this universe. Even through dozens of edits and rewrites, the final chapter of Love You S’more is still the one I imagined when I was writing One S’more Summer. I hope the ending is as satisfying to the audience as it was to me when I conceived it all those years ago.

Will there be any “s’more” books in the Campfire Series? Never say never. As my life evolves and changes, I’m sure I will think back to the characters in these books and imagine how their lives have changed too. For now, though I’m excited for the release of Love You S’more and moving onto some new ideas I’ve had percolating for a while. Thank you for taking this journey with me, it has exceeded every single one of my wildest expectations.

Author Bio

Beth Merlin has a BA from The George Washington University where she minored in Creative Writing and a JD from New York Law School. She’s a native New Yorker who loves anything Broadway, rom-coms, her daughter Hadley, and a good maxi dress. She was introduced to her husband through a friend she met at sleepaway camp and considers the eight summers she spent there to be some of the most formative of her life. One S’more Summer is Beth’s debut novel.

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