LOVE LIES BLEEDING by Aspasia S. Bissas: What happens when a predator loves its prey? ***Guest Post -- Free Book -- Giveaway***

Love Lies Bleeding
by Aspasia S. Bissas
Genre: Dark Fantasy

What happens when a predator loves its prey?

Centuries-old Mara is dying a slow death when she meets Lee, a young man whose life has never belonged to him. Thrown together, they're forced to fight those who would destroy them and survive a slew of enemies they never expected, even as Mara falls into a downward spiral of delusion and obsession. Will she make a devil's deal to save both their souls? With pasts like theirs, can they ever have a future?

Guest Post: Pet PeevesBy AspasĂ­a S. Bissas

It seems strange, petty even, to get annoyed by minor things when there are so many serious problems in the world. Climate change? Sure, but I’m really fed up with jerks who stick their gum under tables. Woman’s reproductive rights steadily being eroded by the ignorant and fanatical? True; however, can you believe people dog-ear book pages? Or maybe it’s precisely because there are so many huge problems demanding our attention that the little things get to us. Those minor peeves should be easy to prevent, most often being a simple matter of showing some basic consideration toward your fellow humans. How hard is it to stick that gum in a tissue, or to use a bookmark? But so many people can’t be bothered. That lack of caring is reflected, magnified in the big issues, making them seem even more insurmountable. Making us feel helpless. Hopeless. Maybe pet peeves annoy us because they’re a reminder that too many people just don’t care.

So if everyone could take five minutes to learn the difference between “your” and “you’re,” I’d really appreciate it. A lot of us would.

Blood Magic
by Aspasia S. Bissas

Myth and magic collide in this story about choices, transformation, and retribution.

On the run from both vampires and hunters, Mara and Lee are forced to confront the bleak reality of their future together. But an unexpected turn of events offers Mara the chance to shift things in her favor--at a cost. Will she walk away or will she embrace the magic?

Blood Magic is a standalone short story that takes place within the novel Love Lies Bleeding by AspasĂ­a S. Bissas. You don't need to read Love Lies Bleeding to enjoy Blood Magic (but it doesn't hurt).

**Get it FREE!!**

About the Author

Aspasia wrote her first short story at the age of six and illustrated it with a pink highlighter. She no longer does illustrations but she's been writing stories ever since. She lives in Toronto with her partner in crime, three cats, a plethora of plants, and a Disney movie's worth of wildlife in the yard. Her dark fantasy novel Love Lies Bleeding is now available in paperback and on Kindle. She is currently working on the next book.


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