TWO THOUSAND YEARS - by M. Dalto ***Giveaway***

Two Thousand Years
M. Dalto
(The Empire Saga #1)

Publication date: December 11th 2018
Genres: Fantasy, New Adult

Two thousand years ago, the Prophecy of Fire and Light foretold the coming of the Queen Empress who would lead the Empire into a time of peace and tranquility. But instead of the coming of a prosperous world, a forbidden love for the Empress waged a war that ravaged the land, creating a chasm between the factions, raising the death toll of innocent lives until the final, bloody battle.

Centuries later, Alexandra, a twenty-two-year-old barista living in Boston, is taken to an unfamiliar realm of mystery and magic where her life is threatened by Reylor, its banished Lord Steward. She crosses paths with Treyan, the arrogant and seductive Crown Prince of the Empire, and together they discover how their lives, and their love, are so intricately intertwined by a Prophecy set in motion so many years ago.

Alex, now the predestined Queen Empress Alexstrayna, whose arrival was foretold by the Annals of the Empire, controls the fate of her new home as war rages between the Crown Prince and Lord Steward. Either choice could tear her world apart as she attempts to keep the Empire’s torrid history from repeating itself. In a realm where betrayal and revenge will be as crucial to her survival as love and honor, Alex must discover whether it is her choice – or her fate – that determines how she survives the Empire’s rising conflicts.


The room was dark when Alex woke, illuminated now only by low-lit candles in sconces along the walls. She stared at the ceiling for a moment to collect her bearings before painfully swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, the muscles of her body still aching with the motion, no better than the remnants of the pounding in her head.

However, she could not tell how long she had been in her current situation. She remembered little since the confrontation at her apartment, where that familiar stranger kidnapped her, brought her to this place, knocked her out.

Knocked out—she made it sound as though she was assaulted, and by the way she was feeling, perhaps she was. And far worse than any morning after she’d experienced in the past. No, this was something else entirely. If she didn’t know any better, she would assume there was some sort of drug involved, but Alex’s experience with the same were non-existent. She was only certain she had passed out.

Once Alex could gather enough strength, she braced her arms alongside her body and attempted to push herself out of bed again. She felt woozy and unbalanced once standing, but she managed to steady her feet underneath her as she used the edge of the bed to regain her balance.

The floor beneath her was unnaturally warm, grey and smooth, like marble but still comfortable against the bottoms of her feet. Peering through the room’s dim candlelight, the furniture around her left much to be desired. From what she could see, the room appeared to be more of an infirmary than sleeping quarters. There was the simple bed she was in with a plain bedside table next to it. In one corner rested an empty armchair, and in another there stood a three-paneled changing screen. The walls were bare other than a shelf of medical implements— jars of ointments, stacks of bandages— and the only way out of the drab room was a slightly opened door.

Taking this as a subtle cue, she approached the door quietly, uncertain about what waited for her. She tried familiarizing herself with her new surroundings before venturing out further, but from the crack through the door all she could see was a dimly-lit hallway, much like her room. Taking a deep breath, Alex slowly pushed the door open, praying that it didn't make any noise. Lucky for her, the door swung open quietly and without resistance, allowing her to step out into the dark hallway.

Her heart banged against her ribcage as she slowly made her way down the unknown corridor, and she rubbed her palms against the skirt of her wrinkled, stained dress. A shiver ran down her spine as she drew her gaze towards the smooth, stone walls that matched the warm floor of which she walked upon, and nothing seemed to want to give away where the hell she was.

The only remarkable thing she could defer was, on either side of the hallway, were closed doors, similar to hers, with no inkling of what awaited behind them. She would have assumed she was the only one within their proximity, until Alex swore she heard hushed voices coming from the end of the hallway. Hoping to find answers as to where she was, why she was there, and how she could get home, she crept towards the whispers, finding them in the last door on her left-hand side. Stilling her approach against the wall, the warmth now pressing against her back, she angled her head just enough to peer towards the room’s slightly-opened door. A dim blue light streamed into the hallway, and she was close enough to confirm she wasn’t hearing things— there were people talking, and she was no longer alone.

Author Bio:

M. Dalto is a fiction author of adventurous romantic fantasy and her debut novel, Two Thousand Years, won one of Wattpad’s Watty Awards in 2016. She continues to volunteer her time as an Ambassador, where she hopes to engage and inspire new writers. She spends her days as a full-time residential real estate paralegal, using her evenings to pursue her literary agenda. When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading fantasy novels, playing video games, and drinking coffee. She currently lives in Massachusetts with her husband, their daughter, and their corgi named Loki.



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