---What to look for in March---
This is a new post I hope to have out the beginning of each month to let you know what's ahead. I've been debating doing this for some time, and finally decided to give it a try. Hopefully we'll all get to know each other a little bit. Recently, someone mentioned sending out posts and I miss writing them, so here we are with our most current news. Preparing you for what's ahead gave me the perfect excuse. What do I mean by prepare? Last November we sent out notes telling you what our Authors and friends were thankful for, and in February RABT had a big Valentine's Day giveaway. This will let you know those things are coming in advance.
If you watch our Character Madness and Musings blog, we'll be starting our news report there next month.
I hope you like our new look. I'm not a web designer, so I'm limited sometimes, but I thought this was a nice change, a little more spring-ish, and maybe easier to read. Character Madness and Musings is still the same. I love that background, so I'm feeling a strange attachment there.What's New?
JB's Bookworms with Brandy Mulder has set-up a new page for Authors. It's meant to be by Writer's for Writers. It might be a little slow getting off the ground, but I'll be sending those out too. I have some great ideas for helpful hints that I can share as well. If you're a reader and have no interest in the writing side, no worries, I'll place Writers in the heading so you can read past it.So just a few of the tours we have in store for you in March:
The Hotel LaBelle Series by Sharon Buchbiner,
complete with teasers, and a guest post from the
Trudy Hicks Ghost Hunter Case One
The Deceit, by Trudy Hicks. This will be
Complete with an interview, so if this is
a new Author to you, be sure and stop by
to see what she's all about.
Coveted Kiss by Karen Tjebben.
We'll be shining the spotlight on her newest
And I know Brandy is hiding with a stack
of books in her closet.
of books in her closet.
Happy St. Patrick's Day.
Have a great March everyone,
Jena Baxter
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