BORN OF NOTHING by Jill Ramsower (The Fae Games #4) - It was over before it began. ***Interview with the Author: Find out what she looks for most in a book - Giveaway***

Born of Nothing 

Jill Ramsower

(The Fae Games #4)

Publication date: March 5th 2019
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance

It was over before it began.

A druid woman and a Fae man—we were two people from different worlds, only by chance did our paths happen to cross. He was beautiful and damaged and totally captivating. If only I could have continued to buy into the propaganda of fear and hate my people had taught me about the Fae, then maybe I would have believed him to be the savage he appeared to be.

Instead, I offered the cryptic man my help. The time I spent with him allowed me to see the man he was behind the chiseled, formal exterior. What developed between us was tender, intimate, and totally unexpected.

My druid family was not as enlightened as I was. My mom didn’t want me near the Fae; she certainly never would have understood that I had developed feelings for a Fae man. I tried to keep my private life a secret. I tried to keep the peace, but my mother’s threats and intolerance left me with no choice. I had to make the hardest decision of my life. I had to leave the only family I’d ever known. I just never imagined

what I’d face when I didn’t make it out in time…

An Interview with the Author

Jill Ramsower

Welcome to JB’s Bookworms with Brandy Mulder

Tell us a little about yourself.

I’m a 40 year-old, very happily married, mother of three. I recently quit my full-time attorney gig to focus on my writing career. I love travel and spending time with family and friends, I know, it sounds cheesy, but its true.

Tell us about your newest book. Is it available now?

My newest release, Born of Nothing, is available March 5th. Its the forth book in The Fae Games Series but can be read as a standalone novel. The story has a somewhat different feel than the other three books in the series. The romance is more tender, and the conflict is darker and more emotional. The change of pace made me apprehensive about releasing the book—reader expectations can be a scary prospect. Fortunately, early reader response has been overwhelmingly positive, and I’m so glad I took the leap to share this story with the world.

How long have you been writing? When did you realize you wanted to be a writer?
I’m not like most authors who seem to have been writing since they were old enough to put pen to paper. I didn’t write stories as a kid or have journals full of fanciful musings. When I called my parents to tell them I had written a book, they were stunned. I’ve always been a voracious reader and used to think about how I would have written a book differently had I been the author. One day my BFF said I ought to write a book, and one month later I had a rough draft. It’s all happened crazy fast. I’m just as surprised as my family to discover I had a hidden passion. I adore everything about writing/publishing and look forward to many more years of living in books!

What inspires your stories? What do you look for most in a book when you’re reading, and how do you incorporate that into your own writing?

I only read books with some form of romance in them. I enjoy a solid plot line outside of the romance, but I definitely need a romantic thread to keep my attention. Ideally, a good book, in my opinion, has plenty of mystery to keep the reader interested. I’ve tried to use those interests in my writing to create intriguing stories that keep the reader engaged—mystery, suspense, action—make for an exciting tale that pairs well with a juicy romance.

What can we expect to see from you in the future, any books on the back-burner?

Book 5 is scheduled to come out in June of 2019 and will be the final installment of The Fae Games Series (at least for now). After that, I think my next project will be a standalone novel that I’ve been wanting to write for a while—something very near and dear to my heart. It’s not paranormal, so I wasn’t sure if I wanted to deviate from the brand I’ve started to create, but I can’t get the story out of my head. I’m a big believer in listening to your instincts, and my gut says this story needs to be told!

Is there anything you want to add before we close our interview?

Thanks for having me, Brandy, and thanks to all my amazing readers! Don’t forget—feed an author, post a review!!

I'll second that, and thanks to you as well.

Author Bio:

Jill is a Texan, born and raised. She manages the hectic social calendars for her three active children and occasionally spends an evening with her dashing husband. Aside from being an author and a mom, she’s an attorney, travel junkie, and voracious reader.




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