Cabin Fever Anthology - Romance/Love stories

Cabin Fever Anthology

Genre: Romance/Love stories
Publisher:  Indie Amazon
Date of Publication:  Aug 7, 2020
Number of pages:  347
Word Count:  89,119
Cover Artist:  Donna Parrish
@ DJASP Book Covers

REWRITE - Renee Pellegrino

Savannah Giuseppe, best-selling author is summoned home. She returned to the cabin remembering the magic of Earth Day and the man who broke her heart.

WORTH IT! - Stephanie Spicer

High school sweethearts, Robin and Cody Carmichael thought their marriage could overcome any obstacle. The only problem is Robin doesn't remember this hurdle.


Every Friday night, tarot reader Selena is at Nettie's Diner. Steven visits her for a reading about his son. Fate intervenes in their destinies.


After a special night with a handsome stranger, Piper Kendrick is shocked when she discovers his identity and he is closer than she ever expected.

LIAR IN THE CABIN - Sunny Abernathy

In 1908 Beth is expected to look forward to marriage. She'd rather be independent, which means staying away from Benjamin.


There she was again.  His mystery girl.  His pulse quickened.  What was it about her that was so appealing?  She was beautiful, yes, but what gave her the aurora of magic that drew him in?  He took another sip of his drink.  He must be going crazy.  Or he was getting drunker than he thought he was.  He hadn’t even spoken to her yet.
He glanced back up in her direction.  Something upstairs had definitely upset her.  She paced back and forth from the bar like a caged tiger.  Anxious energy that didn’t have an outlet.  He could only imagine what that energy might feel like if she directed it toward him.  He cleared his throat and readjusted himself on the stool.  He didn’t need to obsess about her.  He should probably just head home and start working on one of his briefs waiting on him.
She found a seat at the other end of the bar.  One hand tapped the bar while with the other she threw back a shot, downing it in one go .  She said something to the bartender, and he refilled her glass.  She downed that one too.  She better watch out at the rate she was going.  He knew that kind of mood and it usually led to no good.
Just as she signaled the bartender for another refill, a movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention.  A man was approached.  Grant’s muscles tightened, but he forced them to relax. 
He couldn’t keep from watching, as the guy leaned on the bar, invading her space.  She shook her head and leaned away.  Clear signs she wasn’t interested, but the guy didn’t get the message.  The closer he leaned in, the more she leaned away.
Without thinking, Grant stood and walked around the bar towards them.  His brain told him to leave it be, but his legs had other plans.  He was just going to scare the jerk away and that was it.  As he approached them, he could hear the wanna-be Casanova trying his hardest.
“Come on, baby, you look like you could use a good time,” he crooned.
Grant smirked as he approached them.  “Sweetheart, there you are!  Did you start without me?”  He stepped up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders.  She jumped and he leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek.  “Just go along with it,” he whispered into her ear before standing back up.
The man just looked at Grant and sneered.  “You can’t be with her.  You’re old enough to be her father.”
Grant straightened to his full 6’2” and peered down at the player.  “Who says I’m not?  Be gone, kid.”
After a moment’s hesitation, he turned and walked off muttering, “Her loss.” 
Grant took the seat beside her.  “On behalf of my sex, I am sorry you have to deal with jackasses like that.”
She sat and stared at him for a minute, wide-eyed.  “Thank you.”  Her quiet voice was sweet and musical.  “It’s not the first time, but it’s nice to be rescued by someone so…” Her brows drew together in concentration.
“Old?” he offered with a smile.
She returned it with a little chuckle.  “Tall.”
He grinned.  “Well, you got me there.  Now, you have a decision to make.”
Her smile started to fade.  “I do?”
“Yep.  I can sit here and deter other hunters for you, or I can bid you good evening and be on my way.  Totally up to you since I’ve succeeded in my act of gallantry.”
Her smile bloomed again.  “You can stay.  If you want.”

Interview with Author

Renee Pellegrino

Welcome to JB’s Bookworms with Brandy Mulder. Please tell us about your newest book.

Cabin Fever is an anthology recently published with four other amazing authors, Cynthia Carver who has been my critique partner for a really long time. Stephanie Spicer, Roxy St James, and Sunny Abernathy.

The Rewrite is a short novella is about making one wrong right. Savannah Giuseppe is asked to return to her home town. When she arrives to a small cottage, memories of a special holiday, Earth Day. She is reminded of the one man who broke her heart.

Also, with a November release date. For You, is the second part of, “Pot and Lids.” Series about Nora Reynolds who is left to rebuild her life after her father runs from the law. She meets Cameron McCormick, the handy man who is hired to turn her home into a bed and breakfast Inn.

Writing isn’t easy. What was the most difficult thing you dealt with when writing your newest book?

Rewrite is a small part of my bigger novel When the Wind Blows, it was my very first novel I ever wrote. Takes place in the dark ages I plan on working on that novel next year. I found short stories are so much more challenging than novels. It’s a condense version and finding a rememberable ending that does not come off as lame or cheater the reader of a happy ending.

Tell us a little bit about your writing career.

My writing career started long ago when one dream compelled me to spend my entire senior year of high school. I wrote my first poem and it was published in our high school magazine. Being a new writer, I had no clue about how to write a book, we did not have the resources like the internet, a lot of my time studying the craft was done by talking to teachers. I did meet one romance author in a local book store, she told me in order to write I needed to put away my story and get a life. I did just that put away a story that gave me so much life. I think in those years I drifted and felt alone.

It is true with the saying, if you set something free and it comes back to you then it belongs to you. One night after a bad night, I came home and kicked my bed When the Wind Blows dropped out from under my bed. So, I started to write and decided to go back to college this time I did not listen to anyone on what I should do, I knew this was my journey and no one would stop me from writing Athena’s story. One of the poems I wrote was selected was picked for the Penn State Literary Magazine called Bound.

Also, in that year a new story started to developed and Because of You which became my very first published novel.

They say Hind-sight is 20/20. If you could give advice to the writer you were the first time you sat down to write, what would it be?

There is only one, I would tell myself never go to that book signing with that romance writer. 

What was your most difficult scene to write?

Endings kill me. I get so wrapped up in the characters and their story I don’t want to leave.

Are themes a big part of your stories, or not so much?

Yes, I love themes.

Because of You is there’s a pot every lid. It is something my nunny once told me and I wanted to find away to honor her.

For You, it’s up the rise up and I often think of a friend I lost this year and the very idea of falling your dream.

What are you working on now?

For You is my new story and it is the second book on the Pots for Every lid. I also plan on release a few story stories around Because of You. On how Callie Meet Miguel and a one-night stand between Charlie Prescott and Jocelyn McCormick. The last of the series in March 2021 but I plan to return to the one story that changed my life When the Wind Blows. I owe it to Athlena and Michael to finally tell the world their story.

Is there a release date planned?

November 2020 For You.

January 2021 the last one that series.

June 28 2021 When the Wind Blows

Who is your favorite character from your own stories, and why?

Callie Prescott Sanchez is my favorite. She acts on impulse and instinct. Not afraid to take chances.

Most writers were readers as children. What was your favorite book in grade school?

Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume.

The Black Stallion by Walter Farley.

What are your plans for future projects?

Next year I hope to tackle a few other stories that have been patiently waiting to written.

Is there anything you would like to add before we finish?

No. Thank you for this opportunity. You can always find me on Facebook not much for twitter.

Writing Support Sisters is an amazing group of women

But like anyone who wants to start their journey as a writer I suggest purchase Stephen King’s book On Writing. The man is brilliant and I love him.

Also, other books that I found helpful; A Story is A Promise by Bill Johnson. I believe it is the foundation of all writing.

Both of them can be found on Amazon or Barnes and Nobles.

Good luck with your newest release, and thank you for being with us today.

About Renee Pellegrino:

From the author of Because of You and co-author on the Missing Locket

Born in a small-town Pennsylvania town called Altoona with five German shepherds, August, Roman, Rey, Tori and Sophia. After Covid - 19, she hopes to return to the dog show world.

Storytelling first stated when a priest asked everyone if they had something to say.
Renee told everyone about her brother peeing like a Shamu. Laughter filled the church, but her la Nonna not so much.

About Stephanie Spicer:

Stephanie Spicer is from a military family which meant she spent the majority of her life traveling. She has since made Atlanta, Ga her home and is raising her three kids with her husband who has been the love of her life for over seventeen years.

She's always been an avid reader, finding romance novels when she was fifteen and promptly falling in love. She reads most anything she can get her hands on and when she couldn't find books that matched the stories in her head she decided to start writing her own. Once she did, it was like a light had gone off.

She hopes you enjoy her stories as much as she enjoys writing them.

About Cynthia Carver:

Cynthia Carver, born in Dayton, Ohio to Métis parents and a veteran of the US Navy, puts a paranormal spin on everything she does whether it is ghost hunting or camping. Often the photos she takes and shares on her website have images of other-dimensional beings. Her failure in life is cooking. At her family’s request, she brings items such as paper plates, napkins, and utensils to family gatherings.

Her dyslexia leaks into all phases of her life including her published work. She released the second story featuring her main character, Tracy Richards first. Meet Tracy Richards in Tracy's debut novella, 'The Missing Locket.'

On a timeline, 'Small Bit of Justice' happened to Tracy Richards before 'Missing Locket.' Each novelette, novella, and novel are stand-alone stories.

Each November, Cynthia accepts the challenge of writing a 50,000-word novel within thirty days. She is a cheerleader for those in the writer's facebook group ‘Writing Support Sisters' who have joined her in the writing madness.

Visit Cynthia's website to keep up to date about future novels, book signings, and travels

Rosa Pearl - Realities of the Paranormal

About Roxie St. James:

Roxi St. James was born and raised in Georgia, but has traveled all over the country.  She has read every romance novel she could get her hands on for her entire life.  After writing privately for just as long, she is excited to make this her debut as a published author.

About Sunny Abernathy:

An overly caffeinated Author and Artist who believes one can never have enough cats or books. Writes "Red Flag" Love stories in historical and contemporary settings. She sometimes gives her characters a Happily Ever After as she did in Cabin Fever Anthology.

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