The Somewhere I See You Again by Nancy Thorne - Genre: YA Romance - The lives of two teenage girls take a dramatic turn when both their families face financial ruin. Blackmail may be their only solution - and undoing.

The Somewhere I See You Again
by Nancy Thorne

Genre: YA Romance

The lives of two teenage girls take a dramatic turn when both their families face financial ruin. Blackmail may be their only solution - and undoing.

Hannah will resort to anything to save her mother’s life. Including blackmail.Even if the target is the former boyfriend of her goody-goody best friend, Stacy.

Except, he just moved to the West Coast, and now it’s up to Hannah to convince Stacy to hitchhike with her cross-country to confront him.

It’s 1971. Change is happening. And Hannah’s understanding of the world is about to be tested by those she encounters along the way, includinga gorgeous draft dodger.

Someone is about to face a deathly experience. But it’s not Hannah’s mother.

The Somewhere I See You Again is an extraordinary story about the life-changing power of love and friendship against insurmountable odds 

JB’s Bookworms with Brandy Mulder
Interview with Nancy Thorne
Author of The Somewhere I See You Again

Welcome to JB’s Bookworms with Brandy Mulder.

Thank you, Brandy! I’m excited to be here.

Tell us about The Somewhere I See You Again.

My new book The Somewhere I See You Again is set in 1971 and brings to life two seventeen-year-old best friends, Hannah and Stacy. Both their families face financial ruin. Plus, Stacy’s mother is about to marry a man for his money. But the girls have seen his awful secretive side.

Hannah decides to do anything and everything to save everyone, including going after Stacy’s ex-boyfriend for some money. Except, he recently moved to the West Coast, and the only way the girls can confront him is to hitchhike across the entire country.

What was your most difficult scene to write?

Without giving too much away, my most difficult scene to write was an attack on the girls soon after they arrive in Jasper, Alberta, while on their way to the West Coast. It’s here they encounter a near death experience. It was a difficult scene to write because I wanted it to feel authentic to the reader without being too dramatic, or not dramatic enough.

Tell us a little bit more about your writing career.

I began writing full-time eight years ago. The year before I took an evening course in creative writing. I’d always felt that I was a writer, even in grade school. Unfortunately, back then it wasn’t considered a valuable profession, especially for a girl. So, over the years I tried to convince myself that I wasn’t a writer at all. But the feeling never left me.

I started my writing career with short stories. When the first short story I wrote was accepted for publication I seriously jumped around the house. It felt as if the universe was letting me know that an author is exactly what I was meant to be.

Currently I’m in the final stage of completing the Creative Writing Program at the University of Toronto. I’m also working on my third book. It revolves around a family of sideshow performers.

Are themes a big part of your stories?

I would say that themes do play an important part in my stories. My preference for writing historical events could be considered a theme, along with a natural love for the category of young adults. In my novels, courage and perseverance take center stage, no matter the age and inexperience of the characters. I have to add to that the themes of revenge and redemption. They all play a part in my stories.


Stacy is at the kitchen table filling out a job application for a waitress job at a swanky hotel in Banff, Alberta, she says Mr. Callaghan told her about, even though we already applied for a job at the Burger Barn. Her mother stops stirring and wipes her hands on her gingham apron as she turns to me.

“Won’t be long now, Hannah,” she says, meaning the cookies in the oven and not the demise of my mother. “I know you love my jam thumbprints.”

I haven’t eaten yet today. The thought of raspberry-filled cookies gets my interest and my stomach growls. “Can’t wait.” Repeatedly, I nod to the hall that leads to Stacy’s room until she gets my drift.

“We’re going to my room for a minute, Mom,” Stacy says.

“You can take some home with you, Hannah.”

I close Stacy’s door behind me and hand her the photos. “Forget about the crappy waitress jobs, Stace. Here’s all we need to get a shitload of money for our families.”

About the Author:

Nancy Thorne is an award-winning author of fiction inspired by the romance and courage of youth.

Born and raised in Toronto, Nancy fostered a passion for words and creating stories in grade school but hid it much too well. Bringing to life a lifelong dream, her short stories have recently appeared in anthologies and literary journals.

Her debut novel, VICTORIAN TOWN, a  young adult paranormal romance with mystery and time travel elements, was released in 2018 and won First Place for the 2019 Dante Rossetti Award.

Nancy Thorne’s work has appeared in over seven major publications including The First Line Literary Journal and Chicken Soup for the Soul.

She has received several awards and accolades including the Writer’s Award from the APL. Her works continue to appear in many journals and online publications. She lives just outside of Toronto with her loving family, energetic labrador, and an entertaining corgi.

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