The Frelsarien: Battle of Eirbor The Frelsarien Chronicles Book One by Lynette Charrier - Fantasy - Cursed bloodlines; Two warring nations; Three mortals trying desperately to return to their home world

The Frelsarien: Battle of Eirbor
The Frelsarien Chronicles 
Book One
by Lynette Charrier 

Genre: Fantasy
Date of Publication: 3/13/2022
ISBN: Hardcover- 9798985598025
ISBN Paperback- 9798985598018
ISBN Ebook- 9798985598001
Number of pages: 445
Word Count: 102K

Cover Artist: Covers By Christian

Cursed bloodlines; Two warring nations; Three mortals trying desperately to return to their home world 

One hundred years of peace have shattered, and the gods have sent the most unlikely of Heroes, mortals.

On the planet Eyon, one hundred years of peace has ended after the kingdom of Elmoria invaded the neighboring kingdom of Tharon. Desperate to regain their lands and citizens, the Tharians beseech the gods to deliver Frelsarien to them-mythical prophets who, in the past, have used the power of the gods to bring peace to the land.

Meanwhile on Earth, Idun, Ayla, and Colton have no idea their bloodlines carry a curse that enslaves them to the Overseers - supernatural beings whose divine rule stretches across the universe, earning them the status of godhood. After the Overseers come to collect them, the three humans learn that they must bring peace between two warring nations, or be damned to a life on this planet with no hope of returning home.

When the three Frelsarien arrive, the Tharians are disappointed to discover that the gods sent nothing but ordinary humans. Some give up hope that they will be of any help, while others cling to faith. The Frelsarien must either find a new way to prove their worth to the overseers, or attempt to develop the powers they were promised. In the face of adversity, will they be able to rise up to the challenge?

In a gripping page-turner, author Lynette Charrier pieces together an epic tale against a backdrop of tyranny, strength and resilience. Battle of Eirbor is the first novel in the Frelsarien series, a masterpiece of epic crossworld fantasy.

Book Trailer: 


Interview with Lynette Charrier

Welcome to JB’s Bookworms with Brandy Mulder. Please, tell us about your newest book. 

The Frelsarien: Battle of Eirbor is the first book in a 5 book series, which is the introduction into a much larger multiverse. It’s an Epic/Portal fantasy that follows three adults who are taken from their home and forced to fight a war on a foreign planet. Their only hope of returning home is to complete the mission that they’ve been given. Along the way they learn that there’s more going on than what they’ve been told. 

Writing isn’t easy. What was the most difficult thing you dealt with when writing The Frelsarien: Battle of Eirbor?
Since it’s a portal fantasy and I have several story lines that I’m trying to tie together, Keeping true to the timeline has been the hardest thing for me. There’s been several times that I’ve wanted to add things in but then realized that it didn’t correlate with another timeline so I’ve had to either change it, or scrap that idea completely. I’ve gotten everything figured out now that I’m using visual timelines and not just notes, but I’m sure that’ll be something that will always be pretty difficult for me. 

Tell us a little bit about your writing career. 

I never intended for writing to be an actual career for me. I started writing after I had knee surgery and I was sick of watching TV, and then I just continued it as a hobby. Eventually I just loved all the small scenes that I wrote, and I loved the story it was becoming. So I decided to put it all together and get serious about getting it out into the world. Once I had a higher standard for writing I decided to scrap everything I had before and re-write it, but the bones of the original story are still there. 

They say Hind-sight is 20/20. If you could give advice to the writer you were the first time you sat down to write, what would it be? 

I would say that it doesn’t have to be perfect right now, just keep practicing and have fun doing it. I think was pretty good at that anyway, but I know I sometimes felt self conscious about not being a good writer in the beginning. I never let that stop me, but I would probably tell myself that those feelings are okay, and absolutely valid. 

What was your most difficult scene to write? 

The Prologue! That’s probably my most revisited scene I’ve ever written. I’ve had so many versions of it and this is the one I landed on. 

Are themes a big part of your stories, or not so much? 

There definitely are some big themes but I don’t want to talk too much about it because some of them would spoil the book. I also don’t want to tell people what they should be looking for in my book because I love hearing everyones take on it. I’ve had people say that they’ve found meaning in my book that I didn’t necessarily intend for, but I love the fact that they were able to connect to something. 

What are you working on now? 

Right now I’m working on the second book in this series. I’m about 3/4s of the way through, so I hope to publish that book around this time next year. 

Is there a release date planned? 

As of right now there isn’t a specific date that I have in mind, but I hope to have one release a year. 

Who is your favorite character from your own stories, and why? 

My answer to this pretty much changes on a daily basis, but today I’m going to say Colton. He has a sense of self confidence that I really admire. In the beginning of this book it unfortunately manifests as arrogance, but later on it’s that same sense of self confidence that makes him an effective leader. That combined with his optimistic outlook, sense of duty, and light heartedness, he’s the type of person that people look up to in difficult times. 

Most writers were readers as children. What was your favorite book in grade school? 

It’s hard to pick just one, but I’d have to go with Narnia. My mom was a big fan of those books and she used to read them to us when we were little. Narnia is what got me dreaming of distant worlds. 

What are your plans for future projects? 

I have pretty big plans for the world of The Frelsarien. This series is projected to be a 5 book series, but after that I plan to follow other Frelsarien on adventures to worlds other than Eyon. In the end I plan to have one last series where all the protagonists of this multiverse meet up for the final conclusion. 

Is there anything you would like to add before we finish? 

Not really. I just wanted to end with a big thank you for hosting me and giving me a chance to share a little bit of my story. 

You're welcome. Good luck with The Frelsarien: Battle of Eirbor, and thank you for being with us today.


Idun’s eyes flickered open. She had been dreaming again.

A throbbing pain pounded within her skull. She groaned and rubbed the back of her head and felt a large welt. Her bruised fingers glided around to the right side of her head, where she found another welt. She sighed while slowly propping herself up and looking around. Her eyes were still hazy, but she could just barely make out the silhouette of a woman sitting across from her. Idun rubbed her eyes before reopening them.

“I doubt that will help,” the woman said, just as Idun came to that very conclusion. “You have a concussion.”

To her surprise, Idun recognized the voice.


The woman stood up and moved towards her, taking her seat on the bed next to Idun. There were two of her in Idun’s eyes, but she could still make out the features of her lifelong friend. She didn’t look like herself. Her long, curly, brown-black hair framed a smooth face, free of acne, and unhidden by glasses. But the most striking difference was her weight. The last time Idun saw her, she was skin and bones and likely less than one hundred pounds. The Ayla sitting in front of her looked… healthy.

“Jesus! How long have I been out?” She wondered if this was still part of the dream.

“Idun! Language,” she snapped.

Idun chuckled and put her head back down on the pillow. “Seriously, though, how long have I been out?”

“Almost twenty-four hours.”

A confused expression crossed Idun’s face, and she looked up from her pillow. “Can’t be. Don’t take this the wrong way, but there’s no way you look like this after just twenty-four hours. And my hair doesn’t grow this fast either,” she said, holding up a lock of auburn hair which was now longer than the length of her arm.

“These are our Frelsarien bodies…” She said as if that were obvious. She waited a moment as if to see if this triggered a memory, but it didn’t. Idun had no idea what that meant. “So, you really haven’t been briefed on this?”

“What?” Idun picked her head off the pillow and looked up at the blur which was Ayla. “What are you talking about?”

“Where do you think we are?” Ayla questioned.

Idun looked around the room, which, from what she could tell, was made completely of stone and decorated in red. “I don’t know…”

Ayla sighed. “What is the last thing you remember?”

“The last thing I know for sure wasn’t a dream.” Idun had to think for a moment. “I climbed that cliff just outside of town.” She rubbed the back of her head again. “I must have hit my head when I fell, though. I had this weird hallucination about being chased by the grim reaper.”

Ayla stood up to pour Idun a glass of water, then walked back and placed it in her hand. “Idun… that wasn’t a hallucination. It wasn’t the grim reaper, though,” She said, with a laugh.

Idun brought the cup to her lips but stopped, giving Ayla a confused yet doubtful glance. She opened her mouth to ask her to elaborate, but Ayla beat her to it.

“It’s called the soul splitter. It separated our souls from our bodies on Earth and brought them to our bodies here on Eyon.” She waited for a moment to study Idun’s expression again; Which happened to be one of disbelief. “Does any of that ring a bell?”

“Not even a little one.” Idun tipped back her cup and then placed it down on the table. “I’m actually pretty sure I’m still asleep.”

Ayla reached over and pinched the skin on the underside of Idun’s arm.

“What the heck!” Idun propped herself up with a jolt.

“Well, you’re not asleep,” Ayla giggled.

Idun scrunched her eyebrows together and massaged the back of her arm. “And you’re not Ayla...”

About the Author:

Lynette Charrier was born in Manitoba Canada but grew up in Southern California. There she met her husband who whisked her away back to his hometown of Naples Florida. Not long after she earned her degree in interior design and quickly found a job in the field. However her true passion lies with the writing community. Ever since she was little she had been making up stories of distant worlds and far off galaxies. Now she's excited to finally share those stories with the world.

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