The Magic of the Lamp The Tantalising Tales Collection Book Eight by Lorelei Johnson - Fantasy Romance - A headstrong princess, an ambitious sorcerer, and a forbidden love that could ruin them both…

The Magic of the Lamp
The Tantalising Tales Collection
Book Eight
by Lorelei Johnson

Genre: Fantasy Romance
Date of Publication: June 24, 2022
ISBN: 9798433798182
Number of pages: 201
Word Count: 50,018
Cover Artist: Lorelei Johnson

A headstrong princess, an ambitious sorcerer, and a forbidden love that could ruin them both…

A headstrong princess, an ambitious sorcerer, and a forbidden love that could ruin them both…

When Princess Jasmine returns home after fifteen years, she's determined not to choose any of the suitors her father has lined up for her. 

She doesn't need a man to rule her kingdom.

Jafar has fought tooth and nail for everything he has and he never sets his sights on something he can't have.

Until her.

But the princess must marry a prince.

When the mysterious Prince Ali enters the palace stirring a curiosity in the princess, Jafar's jealousy in uncontainable. But when the choice before him is love or power, will he fight for the woman he loves or cling to the power he so desperately craves?

 The Magic of the Lamp is the enticing eighth book in the Tantalising Tales Collection. If you like forbidden romance, sizzling tension and happily ever afters, then you’ll love Lorelei Johnson’s seductive twist on this fairy tale.

Each book can be read as a standalone

An Interview with Lorelei Johnson

Welcome to JB’s Bookworms with Brandy Mulder. Please tell us about your newest book.

The Magic of the Lamp is a fantasy romance retelling of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp. It incorporates elements of the Disney versions we all know and love, and the original tale, as well as some unique twists of my own. It includes a love triangle with the carefree Aladdin and the intense Jafar as they vie for the attentions of the headstrong Princess Jasmine.

Writing isn’t easy. What was the most difficult thing you dealt with when writing your newest book?

I usually don’t do love triangles because I have a clear victor before I even start, so trying to give the other point of a triangle a fighting chance was difficult.

Tell us a little bit about your writing career.

I studied English Literature and creative writing at Flinders University where my motto was “P’s get degrees”. I’ve been writing since I was 12 when my best friend first put the idea in my head. I’ve tried a lot of different styles and forms, assuming I’d get published traditionally one day before I discovered the world of self-publishing.

They say Hind-sight is 20/20. If you could give advice to the writer you were the first time you sat down to write, what would it be?

Don’t do it. Take up juggling? Writing is hard, so I’d probably tell my past self to write what you want and you’ll find your readers, don’t worry about what the gatekeepers are going to think of it.

What was your most difficult scene to write?

All of the smut scenes. I still find those so hard to write. I’ll write like fifty words and reward myself with a twenty-minute break, it’s so bad. I keep hoping that one day this will get easier and I’ll just be able to fly through them.

Are themes a big part of your stories, or not so much?

Every story has themes, whether they know it or not. My stories usually have some message in them on female strength along with other things. In this particular story, it’s a hat tip to the fact that women are strong and they can be anything they want to be whether the men in their lives believe it or not.

What are you working on now?

I’m working on a werewolf trilogy right now. Scottish werewolves. Do I regret that choice? Yes. Writing accents are hard. But it’s also going to be a lot of fun.

Is there a release date planned?

I have release dates planned so far in advance it’s not even funny. The Magic of the Lamp is out June 2022. My next release is part of a charity anthology to benefit Ukraine. The anthology is called Love and Unity and my book in there is When You Forget me. This will be released in September 2022.

Who is your favorite character from your own stories, and why?

My overall favourite is probably Jafar. He’s dark and broody and I’m a sucker for a man who fights against his desires. I like that there’s a reason behind his nature, that he’s suffered and now he has to overcome that to find his happiness.

Most writers were readers as children. What was your favorite book in grade school?

I didn’t start reading until I was 10. My parents weren’t readers, see. But When I was 10 my friend told me I should read Harry Potter and that started my journey to reading, so it will always have a special place in my heart.

What are your plans for future projects?

I’m currently working on a werewolf trilogy called The McLeod Brother’s Trilogy. I’m really excited for this one! Each couple is so unique wit their own challenges to overcome.

Is there anything you would like to add before we finish?

I just want to say a quick shout out to all my beta readers, editors and ARC readers. They’ve been so amazing throughout this whole process and definitely deserve some recognition.

Good luck with The Magic of the Lamp, and thank you for being with us today.


‘And here I thought you’d arranged all this for me,’ she said, pouting gently.

‘Shame on you, Baba, using this as an opportunity for political manoeuvring.’

The sultan laughed heartily. ‘Do you see how clever she is, Jafar? I dare say she would make any man a formidable wife.’

‘Indeed, your majesty,’ Jafar said. She suspected that was his usual response when he wished not to comment on a subject.

‘This is a party, and you are young. You should be dancing!’ the sultan exclaimed.

As if they’d been waiting for the sultan to make such an announcement, she saw men fidgeting in their seats, eagerly watching, waiting to pounce on her, to claim her first dance and perhaps her heart, though she knew they cared not for love, merely the throne and the power of the sultan. She was a bonus, like a brilliant golden bracelet to hang on their arm, ornamental and only for their own personal enjoyment.

‘If you wish to see me dance, Baba, then I shall,’ Jasmine announced, smiling warmly at her father even as she was cringing inside. But she need not play their little game, she would much rather play her own.

She rose from her seat and walked around her father’s chair, stopping in front of Jafar. He looked up at her with suspicion, not exactly the reaction she’d expected but it would suffice. ‘Will you not dance with me, Jafar?’

Jafar seemed lost, it was the first time she’d even seen him unsure of himself and she found it amusing, though she kept her amusement to herself as best she could. Jafar looked over at the sultan who waved him away happily, already starting on his next piece of lamb. She knew he wouldn’t dare refuse her, as it would be a great insult to the sultan if he did.

With barely concealed irritation, Jafar stood and took Jasmine’s hand, leading her to the dance floor as the whispers of those attending swirled around them. ‘Are you looking to start a scandal, Princess?’ he asked when they were out of earshot.

‘A scandal? Why, I’m merely dancing with an old friend,’ she said innocently.

He raised his eyebrow at her. ‘You didn’t take to the matrons’ teachings, then,’ he said, a statement, rather than a question as they traded positions on the floor, turning around each other but always remaining at a distance. This was Jasmine’s favourite dance, though she’d never told anyone.

‘How do you know what they taught me?’ she asked challenging him. The music moved her body, and her hips rolled tantalisingly as she slowly closed the distance between them.

‘You know your father did not intend for you to dance with me. There are many men here tonight he wants you to acquaint yourself with,’ Jafar said, changing the subject.

‘You haven’t changed at all, still as stiff as ever,’ she said, turning her back to him, rocking her hips as his hand slid around her waist, the heat of his touch slipping through the sheer fabric there, sending a thrill through her body.

‘And you as untameable as ever,’ he answered, his voice neutral. Nothing seemed to faze him. She found herself wanting to ruffle that perfectly still surface of his, elicit some reaction from him, some genuine emotion. ‘Why did you choose to dance with me?’

She spun around in his arms and he dipped her before spinning her and pulling her close again. He was merely following the steps of the dance, playing the role required of him. Something about that left a bitter taste in her mouth. ‘Because you’re the only man here who doesn’t want anything from me,’ she answered honestly.

‘Ah, so you wish to correct that, do you? You want all the men in the room to be in love with you?’ he asked darkly.

She glared up at him, then spun away. Rolling her hips sensually to the music, she held one arm out, curling her finger at him, a look of sheer confidence on her face. When he was once again close enough to speak to, she said, ‘You’re still an arse, I see.’

His eyes widened in surprise, not enough to notice unless you were looking for it.

‘I’m surprised that a princess would use such language,’ he said, tsking at her behaviour.

‘Are you? I thought you said I was untameable,’ she countered. He spun her a final time, pulling her against him as the music came to an end.

About the Author:

Lorelei Johnson is an Australian romance author, primarily writing Paranormal Romance and Fantasy Romance. She graduated from Flinders University, where she studied English Literature and Creative Writing before she discovered her degree was useless and she hated studying in an institution. She went into administrative work where she learnt just enough business sense to start publishing her own books.

Lorelei is fuelled by caffeine and sarcasm, priding herself as a true 90's kid. She labels her self-publishing as an antiestablishment, but really she's just a chicken who decided to avoid the gatekeepers altogether and enjoy the freedom to write whatever the heck she likes. Through her writing, she likes to explore the many facets of love and revel in a little magic and a little smut, of course.








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