Arch by Michael N. Riley - Historical Fiction - Some men are just to mean to die!

by Michael N. Riley

Genre: Historical Fiction
Publisher: Writers Republic
Date of Publication:  June 24, 2022
ISBN: 9798885364409
Number of pages:  190

Some men are just to mean to die!
The book is set around 1900, when New Mexico was still a territory. 

Doc Strafford has bought a small mercantile in Portales, New Mexico Territory, to start a new life. Over the years, Doc has become more involved in the growth of Portales. He eventually sells his interest in a saloon to two seedy characters, Jewels Davis and his albino son, Jefferson. 

When Doc invites his old friend from the Civil War to visit Portales and the surrounding territory, it draws suspicions from the Davises to the point that they torture Doc's hired hand, Gustavo, just to find out what Doc is up to.

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Interview with Michael N. Riley

They say hind sight is 20/20. If you could give advice to the writer you were the first time you sat down to write, what would it be.

Answer: I had an English teacher edit my first draft. Very discouraging, I felt they killed the voice of the story Use an editor, have friends or acquaintances read the story and listen to their suggestions.

Are themes a big part of your stories, or not so much?

Answer: Yes, themes are important for me. Good vs evil is something we deal with everyday.

What are you working on now?

Answer: I wrote the sequel to my first book and is being edited right now. My newest project had to do with something that happened to me and my brother when we were kids. All I will say about is it scared the you know what out of us.

Who is your favorite character from your own stories, and why?

Answer: Doc Strafford of course is my main character. Doc wanted to help the New Mexico Territory to become a State. He wanted law and order and drive out those that brought so much misery to his community. He has an noble idea to use his friends to make that dream a reality. My second favorite character is Dalton Crane. A washed out lawman sent to the territory to end his career but instead of going away became a vital part of Doc’s plan.

What are your plans for future projects?

Answer: I drive down the road and tell my wife “What do you think about this for a story?” Right now I have at least three stories I could write. One has a rough draft.

About the Author:

Michael N. Riley was born in Grants, New Mexico, in 1960, the second generation born in New Mexico from either of his parents’ families. Like most, they homesteaded from other states. His father’s side was from Texas and his mother’s family was from Alabama. When he was three, they moved from Grants to Clovis, New Mexico. He went to school and graduated high school and eventually moved to Portales, New Mexico, to attend Eastern New Mexico University. He ended up getting married and working for an electric cooperative reading electric meters. During that time, he had several old timers tell him stories about coming to New Mexico when it was a territory. Most of them were old ranch hands and farmers. Their eyes would light up when they told stories about the real Wild West and some of the shenanigans they would get into. This is how he came up with this story. 

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