The Secret Garden of Yanagi Inn by Amber A. Logan - Adult Fiction (18+) Paranormal Mystery

Book Details:

Book Title: The Secret Garden of Yanagi Inn by Amber A. Logan
Category: Adult Fiction (18+), 336 pages
Genre: Paranormal Mystery
Publisher: CamCat Books
Release date: Nov 15, 2022
Content Rating: PG. The book is clean, without excessive swearing, no sexual content or graphic violent scenes, etc.

Book Description:

Cracked doesn’t always mean broken.
Grieving her mother’s death, Mari Lennox travels to Kyoto, Japan to take photographs of Yanagi Inn for a client. As she explores the inn and its grounds, her camera captures striking images, uncovering layers of mystery shrouding the old resort—including an overgrown, secret garden on a forbidden island. But then eerie weeping no one else in the inn seems to hear starts keeping her awake at night.

Despite the warnings of the staff, Mari searches the deep recesses of the old building to discover the source of the ghostly sound, only to realize that her own family’s history is tied to the inn, its mysterious, forlorn garden . . . and the secrets it holds.

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Guest Post
Don’t Use Band-Aids
By Amber A. Logan

At this stage in my writing career, I am no stranger to revisions—sometimes BIG revisions. And if there is one thing I’ve learned about the revision process, it is that I shouldn’t use Band-Aids.

Let me explain.

Novel revisions come in all shapes and sizes, and can address a plethora of issues. The type of revisions I’m talking about here are the big kind, the kind that comes up with the infamous R&R (“Revise and Resubmit”) from agents or editors. If an author is told “I like aspects of this novel, but here’s a list of things that need to change” and the author is invited to resubmit the manuscript after making said changes, this is an R&R and it should be taken seriously. This is not a time for Band-Aids.

By Band-Aids, I mean superficial fixes that only go skin-deep. Think of a parent applying a Band-Aid to their child’s scraped knee. Sure, it fixes surface problems—and if all you have are surface problems, great! But most of the time if you are asked by an agent or editor (at any stage in the publishing process) to work on issues, you aren’t going to be looking at surface problems. You’re looking at characters lacking motivations or unbelievable plot twists or endings that fall flat. These can’t be fixed with a Band-Aid, no matter how much you want them to. Instead of a loving parent, you need to be the ER doctor who starts cutting of clothes with scissors and applying tourniquets. Or you may need to be the surgeon performing an appendectomy by slicing open the skin and removing an infected organ. Ok, so maybe I’m taking the medical analogy a bit too far, but I think you get the idea. ER doctors and surgeons aren’t using Band-Aids—they’re getting their hands (ok, gloves) dirty. And so should you.

When you get a request for major edits—whether from a prospective editor/agent you’re hoping to work with, or a professional you are already working with—resist the urge to start slapping Band-Aids on the problems. Unless the edit letter starts with the line “I have just a few small tweaks,” you’re probably looking at more than just Band-Aid level work, and its best to wade into the situation with the ER doctor/surgeon mindset. If you really want to get to the true root of the infection, reach for the surgical tools—not the Band-Aids.

Meet the Author:

Amber A. Logan is a university instructor, freelance editor, and author of speculative fiction living in Kansas with her husband and two children—Fox and Willow. In addition to her degrees in Psychology, Liberal Arts, and International Relations, Amber holds a PhD in Creative Writing from Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge.

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