Shifted The Shifted Series Book One by Roxanna Mason - Paranormal Romance

The Shifted Series 
Book One
by Roxanna Mason

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Date of Publication: 12/18/2022
ISBN: 979-8-218-12243-0
Number of pages: 516
Word Count: 109,379

Cover Artist: Benjamin Richard

Jacey Lange has everything she has ever wanted. She is newly engaged, and her menswear line is one of the fastest-growing in the country. Beautiful, successful, and deeply in love, Jacey feels like she's on top of the world.

That is, until she catches her fiance in bed with her assistant.

Everything around her comes crashing down.

Thankfully, her best friend, Leon, welcomes her back to her old apartment with open arms. The people in Jacey’s life watch for months as she wallows in her misery, until Leon hatches a plan: if Jacey agrees to get herself back out there and promises to go out with the next five guys that ask her, no matter who they are, then not only will he give her the master bedroom in the apartment, but both Leon and Jacey’s sister, Elise, will agree to stop meddling in her love life.

In rapid succession, Jacey finds herself falling for five completely different men. Yet despite all their differences, there is something oddly familiar about each one. When she finds out why, it won't just change the way she feels about love, it will make her question everything she once thought was real.

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Interview with Roxanna Mason

Tell us about your newest book

Shifted is a contemporary paranormal romance novel set in New York City. It started as a writing prompt that asked, "what if a woman failed with every man she dated only find that they were all the same man?" From that, the concept of a woman starting to date again after having her heart broken and a man who's been in love with her for years who has the ability to turn himself into any man she dates was born.

Writing isn't easy. What was the most difficult thing you dealt with when writing Shifted?

Shifted has a bit of a complicated plot because there are six total love interests that appear in my main character's life through the course of the books. I think that the most difficult part was making them all uniquely different and keeping those differences straight so that, despite the twists and turns, the readers can still easily follow the plot.

What was your most difficult scene to write?

The last scene of the book was definitely emotionally difficult to write. I cried my way through writing the whole thing.

What are you working on now?

Shifted has a sequel called Shattered that will be out later in 2023, and it already up for pre-order.

Who is your favorite character from your own stories, and why?

I have to say that Leon is my favorite Shifted character. I have the hardest time writing any scene in which he's in pain because I've grown so attached to him as a character.

What are your plans for future projects?

I plan on finishing The Shifted Series, and after that, I'm planning a vampire duology.

Thank you for joining us today. Good luck with Shifted, and Shattered.


I didn't know what Owen had in mind, but it was already obvious to me that I would go anywhere this man was leading. He kept his hand in mine as he guided me through the crowded bar and toward the pool tables. Thankfully, because the band was still playing, the back of the bar was far less populated.

"Is playing pool normally part of a first date with you, or are you just trying to get me alone?" I teased.

Owen took a step towards me, pinning me between him and the pool table.

"Both," he said with a smile on his face that I could only describe as wicked.

I tilted my head to the side as I looked up at him. "Let's make it interesting, then."


I took a step to the side, sliding out from between him and the ancient wooden table. I grabbed a pool cue off of the rack and tossed it to him before grabbing a decidedly smaller one for myself. "We're going to need more shots," I said to him.

A smile crept over his dark features. "My kind of girl..." he murmured as he lowered his head towards mine.

"Nope, if you want to kiss me, you better plan on winning."

Owen shook his head and left me at the table while I started to rack the balls. A few minutes later, he returned with four shots; two of whiskey, two of tequila. I took one of the shot glasses filled with dark brown liquor straight out of his hand and threw it back. I winced as the alcohol made my throat close in on itself. The truth was, I might have been putting on a show. I enjoyed the way I felt around Owen, but I didn't know if I was as wild as I wanted him to believe.

"So what are the stakes here?" he asked me as he set the remaining shots on a nearby hightop.

"If you win, you get to take me home..." I said in a voice I barely recognized as my own. It was breathy and seductive. Those two shots apparently went to my head faster than I thought.

"And if you win?" Owen asked with a raised brow.

"If I win, I get a second date."

"Who said we can't do both?" he said with a chuckle.

I rolled my eyes. I didn't have this whole impulsive, whiskey-drinking, short skirt-wearing Jacey completely figured out yet.

Owen took a step towards me. He reached for my hips and pulled me toward him. "What do you really want?"

I could feel my pulse banging in my ears, and the loud, crowded bar faded into the background. He reached around my head, threading his fingers into my hair and tugging me towards him. I leaned forward, expecting him to kiss me, but his mouth hovered over mine.

"What do you want?" he asked again.

"You," I said, my voice caught in my throat.

"What was that?" he asked teasingly. His deep voice, vibrating through me.

"I want you."

Finally, he brought his lips to mine and kissed me deeply. Kissing Owen wasn't new to me; we couldn't stop kissing the night he drove me over the Brooklyn Bridge. But this was something else. I wasn't sure I even knew my own name anymore.

"When I take you home, it's going to be because you're begging me to...not because I won at pool."

About the Author:

Roxanna Mason is a debut paranormal romance author and formally trained actor from Los Angeles, California. It was her deep love of storytelling that led her to study theatre and that same love of storytelling that drove her to write her first novel. When not writing, Roxanna is binge watching horror films, creating vegan recipes, and dancing around her living room to Fleetwood Mac.


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