The Legend of Rachel Peterson by J.T. Baroni - Supernatural - Guest Post



Date Published: 06-10-2023

Publisher: Sky Publishing


Outraged when The Post Gazette overlooks him for a promotion, 43-year-old Sportswriter Christian Kane quits the Paper and moves to the country to write fiction. Inspiration flows from a grave he stumbles upon in the woods. He pens The Legend of Rachel Petersen, a fascinating story revolving around the dead twelve-year-old girl who was laid to rest beneath the weathered tombstone in 1863. His book climbs the Best Seller lists; then Hollywood adapts it into a blockbuster movie. Kane becomes rich and famous; but then! Does an enraged Rachel become more than a figment of the writer’s imagination and rise from her grave, seeking revenge on him for slandering her name?



Guest Post
by J.T. Baroni

The Legend of Rachel Petersen follows a writer who moves to the country and writes a best-selling book about the imagined life of a twelve-year-old girl whose grave he finds on his property.

I was inspired to write this story because while hunting one year, I actually did stumble upon a weathered tombstone in the middle of the woods. The name Rachel Peterson was inscribed on it — I changed one letter in the last name to Petersen. As I sat there and waits patiently for that big buck to cross my path, I had plenty of time to ponder the dead girl's fate, which I was then driven to write.

Eerily enough, this is the premise of The Legend of Rachel Petersen, a writer finds a lone grave in the forest, then writes the dead girl’s story, but he pays the consequences!

I actually based a few of the characters in my novel on myself, friends, and family. For example, I am nearly as technologically handicapped as Christian Kane, the main protagonist. Also, I based his happy marriage and supportive wife off of my wife and marriage. The two Yoder boys, who are avid deer hunters, were centered around my own experiences during my teenage years when I hunted.

Being intrigued by the horror and paranormal genres also inspired me to write this book; just the eeriness of the macabre; the uncertainties that ghosts and spirits may exist... and the overall mystique of the unknown spiritual world.

As far as my new book? I’m thirty chapters into a psychological thriller where a wealthy lawyer and a psychiatrist team up to rule the world. They both share a secret, but one has ulterior motives. Expect it in maybe in six to eight months, it needs four more chapters to finish it, but I write slowly. Plus it’s hard to write a book while promoting a finished one.

A radio or TV usually plays oldies while I write. I will shelve the draft for a month or longer, then look at it with fresh eyes. This approach works for me in as far as giving me new ideas on the plot and character development.

Actually, this version is a revision of the original which I had published in 2013; since retiring, I pulled the book off the shelf and started to read it. The next thing I know, I doubled the page count and added a brand new ending chapter, all adding to a much improved read then publishing it.

About the Author

(J.T. Baroni, pictured with the tombstone that inspired the story)

Living in Western Pennsylvania all my life, I’ve beeAn an avid Whitetail hunter since old enough to tote a rifle, which is also about as long as I’ve had a fondness for word games and literature.

While hunting one year, I actually did stumble upon a weathered tombstone in the middle of the woods.

While waiting patiently for that big buck to cross my path, I had plenty of time to ponder the dead girl's fate, which I was then driven to write.

Eerily enough, this is the premise of The Legend of Rachel Petersen, my first novel published in 2012, which I recently revised.

A newly retired transformer repairman, I refer to Johnstown, Pennsylvania, a small town outside of Pittsburgh, as home.

My wife Becky and I share our abode with two retrievers - Piper, and Remmy.


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