Road to Nineveh by Charles Besondy - The Lighthouse, Book 4 - Contemporary Christian Fiction/Thriller - When Charley Austin Marches to the Wrong Beat, Life Gets Ugly



The Lighthouse, Book 4

Contemporary Christian Fiction/Thriller

Date Published: December 26, 2023

Publisher: Besondy Publishing LLC

When Charley Austin Marches to the Wrong Beat, Life Gets Ugly

Twenty-year-old Charley Austin travels a torn and troubled world as the star drummer and lyricist for the famous Christian rock band, DelivRus. He has musical gifts and a clear mission from God.

And that mission makes him a big problem for Lucky Zebul.

Zebul implements a sinister and depraved plan to crush the vulnerable rock star and put an end to the band’s Godly influence in the world.

Against a backdrop of societal upheaval, Road to Nineveh continues the story of Charley Austin (introduced in Book 3, The Snare) as he, like a modern-day Jonah, faces the harsh consequences of turning away from God’s purpose for his life and succumbs to pride and lust.

Follow the gripping, emotionally charged story as Charley performs in the bright lights with DelivRus across America and Europe, igniting hope and faith, while off-stage his soul is systematically smothered by the darkness.

Will the tough love of his parents, band mates, and Mia be enough to bring him back from a devastating scandal? Will he regain purpose for his life on a sun-baked Texas ranch, or for redemption, must he make one more trip to the Lighthouse on the misty Washington coast?

Besondy’s Christian thrillers have been compared to the character development and emotion found in a Charles Martin novel. Others suggest Besondy writes as if he is the secret lovechild of C.S. Lewis and Stephen King. You can decide.

Road to Nineveh will appeal to fans of edgy Christian Thrillers or New Adult Thrillers. 

Road to Nineveh by Charles Besondy received a gold medal in the Christian Mystery/Thriller category of the 2024 Illumination Book Awards.

Reword to suit.

Part of The Lighthouse series

#1 The Hidden Saboteur

#2 The Chase

#3 The Snare

#4 Road to Nineveh

Guest Post

Interview with Charles Besondy 

Tell us about your current release.

Road to Nineveh is a story about a young drummer, 20-year-old, Charley Austin, who has God-given talent and a clear mission but is turned away from that mission by satanic forces. He loses everything and must start over to rebuild his relationship with God, family, and the young woman who loves him.

The story explores the question: what happens when one turns their back on God’s mission/purpose for their life.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

In 2016 the Holy Spirit started nudging me. In 2017 I started writing my first novel. The Hidden Saboteur was published in 2018.

Have you published any previous books?

Yes, The Lighthouse series now includes 4 major novels, a novella, and a short story.

What can we expect to see from you in the future, any books on the backburner?

I deliberately ended Road to Nineveh in a way that teases that the character’s story is not complete. However, at this point, it’s Spring 2024, I haven’t started to write anything.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

My wife and I are very involved in our church. I like to read, watch movies, and golf when time permits. We enjoy traveling, too.

Did you learn anything from writing your book? What was it?

I learn something about myself or my relationship with Jesus during the process of writing every book. This is one reason the Holy Spirit has me write, I’m sure. I learned more about digging deep and being ever-more vulnerable with my writing. I also learned that I just had to start playing the drums again.

Some writers have something playing in the background, do you and what?

Most of the time I write in silence because I usually start writing early in the morning and I don’t want to disturb my wife. When I decide to play music it’ll be classic rock or country western.

Tell us a little about yourself. Perhaps something not many people know about?

I’m so unknown, most people don’t know anything about me. I grew up in Oregon. Spent half of my career in Seattle, Washington before moving to Austin, Texas in 2000. I’m an only child.

What do you hope your writing brings to your readers?

For all of my books I pray that readers will gain awareness that Satan is constantly on the prowl looking for every little opportunity to plant lies and fear in our head. Evil is real, even if it can’t be seen. And the only protection is faith, prayer, and scripture.

How can our readers get in touch with you?

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Where can our readers purchase your book?

My books and audiobooks are sold through Amazon

About the Author

Charles Besondy is a multi-award-winning author of Christian thrillers and New Adult Christian thrillers. All his books explore the sometimes raw spiritual battle for our hearts.

His first novel, The Hidden Saboteur, was published in 2018. He has self-published four major novels, a novella and a short story within The Lighthouse series.

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  1. Im a fan of Charles Besondy’s books. Your questions unwrap the man and heart under his excellent writing craft. Thanks


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